Monday, February 17, 2014


There hasn't been a lot of time to write so I will have a lot to fill in when I return. After an adventure on an overnight train, we spent the day in the northern city of Chiangmai where we visited one of the oldest Buddhist temples and did a little shopping. The highlight of the day was a school visit to a UNICEF funded school for refugee children from Myanmar. We spent the morning in the kindergarten and 1st grade classes. Instruction was more teacher centered than you're used to but the kids acted just like your students. We will look at some pictures to see the classrooms when I get back. I can only upload a few pics from my phone and not my camera pics. So I'll fill in when I return to the states. We're off to see elephants and I will post soon!

One of the oldest and most sacred temples in Chiangmai.

UNICEF school:

What was interesting about the school was that it was located on the land of a Buddhist temple. Some of the young boys were studying to become a monk. In this picture, one of the young boys in training was standing on the second floor balcony of the school while we were on the grounds.

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